Title: Savage Collision
Series: The Savage Love Duet Book #1
Author: TL Smith
Release Date: May 12
Genre: Contemporary Romance
A kiss could bond you, taint you, claim you. If you let it, it could own you.
A kiss from a stranger was highly unlikely.
A kiss from a man who hid himself from me, yet slowly tormented me, was unlike any other kiss.
It was the kiss of death.
It was my hands in cuffs chained to his waist.
And only he could set me free.
How could I be so blind? How could I have let a man that was delicious as sin take a grip on me? No matter how hard I tried to pull, those cuffs stayed glued to him as the wall that stood between us.
I had to smash that wall, I had to see the truth.
Even if we collide. Even if he’s my own savage collision. I have to be set free.
T.L Smith Lover of chocolate, books, but mostly words.
T.L Smith loves to travel, loves to shop for books, sometimes shoes 😉
Don’t be shy about contacting T.L Smith, she doesn’t bite, hard!
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4.5 Mind Fuck Stars
This is a hard book to review when trying to keep it completely spoiler free. You need to go into this book blind to fully appreciate the plot, characters and emotions so this will be a vague review.
Milanka hasn't had the best start in life and it's left her with plenty of psychological issues to deal with. She's doing her best to move on but it seems for every step forward she takes, she always ends up two steps behind. Milanka is a very complex, complicated woman and she has this fragility about her that made me want to wrap her up in bubble wrap and protect and look after her. You can feel her confusion and determination as you're reading and she's very easy to like.
Connick is surrounded with this air of mystery. He intrigued me. Why does he do the things he does? Is there more to him? Why do I find him so unbelievably hot?
This book has loads of hot sex in it. It's full of twists, turns and suspense. Throw in some secrets, manipulation, betrayal and plenty of confusion and it will mess with your mind. It did mine. It will leave you with unanswered questions. It will take you through a range of emotions and it will leave you desperate for the next book.
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