Monday, 21 November 2016

Blog Tour...Smirnov Bratva series by T.L Smith

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Title: Distrust
Series: Smirnov Bratva #1
Author: TL Smith
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: September 21
She was a ghost, in heels.
She was there, then she wasn’t.
She would play with my emotions like a well-played guitar.
Then she would disappear. Making me want to strangle her.
Maybe she wasn’t a ghost, maybe she was the giver of sin. Because we sinned every time we touched, every time she was near.
Her lips were shaped like a heart, deceiving you at every word.
Her body was created straight from my fantasies, one I craved to bend to my will.
Her heart, well, who the hell knew. She kept that shit locked tight.
And I couldn’t find the key.

Distrust Teaser


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Title: Disbelief
Series: Smirnov Bratva #2
Author: TL Smith
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: October 19
What if I was to tell you, you’re all evil?
In some shape or form, you are.
What If I was to tell you, I was the worst kind of evil?
Would you believe me?
I did not believe that there wasn’t anyone who didn’t contain evil.
I was proved wrong, and it stumped me.
I became obsessed with her, someone of pure goodness.
And couldn’t get enough.
I needed to see her insides because that’s what I do. Tearing people apart, I have to prove my point. I wanted to split her apart, to find any trace of bad.
It was wrong of me to think like that.
Though if death is all you know, is it so wrong?
My name is Death. Her name is Pollie.
And I want to see her insides.
Just to understand if she is as pure as she makes out to be.

Disbelief Teaser 2
Disbelief Teaser

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About the Author

T.L Smith Lover of chocolate, books, but mostly words.
T.L Smith loves to travel, loves to shop for books, sometimes shoes 😉
Don’t be shy about contacting T.L Smith, she doesn’t bite, hard!

Now Available

★✩★✩★ 5 STARS
Kazier is a Russian Mafia boss. Brought up in the Mafia lifestyle, he knows exactly what is expected of him especially when it comes to his personal life. He may not like it but he knows what he has to do. Elina changes all that and he finds himself trying to find a way to make everyone, including himself, happy. 
Elina is Kaziers kryptonite. For the past two years she's come into his life and left just as quickly, turning his interest in her into a full on obsession. 

I loved Kaziers character. He's not a nice man, he tortures without batting an eyelid but he's surprisingly sweet, funny and caring. Freya is another great character. Upfront, honest and not taking crap off anyone, I thought she was great. Elina stays an enigma for most of this book, coming and going as she pleases, keeping her secrets to herself, she brings a feeling of mystery and intrigue...who is she? Why does she keep leaving? What is she hiding? 

I loved this book. It's got good, likeable/hate able characters and a story that sucked me in. 

There was one character in particular that I absolutely loved. Death stole the show for me. I loved his dark twisted character and I can not wait for his book.

★✩★✩★ 5 STARS

I loved Death in Distrust. His fascination with Pollie intrigued me and I couldn't wait to get inside his messed up head and understand him a bit more. And I got my wish!! Straightaway we get an insight into his past that explains a lot about his character and I was hooked. 

I found Death to be a really complex character. He's quite emotionally immature, he has all these feelings and thoughts to do with Pollie and he doesn't know what to do with them. Not used to been around people or having feelings, been around Pollie confuses him. Does he want to keep her or kill her? The more I found out about his past, the more I loved him. It explains so much about him and I finally started to get what made him tick and why. 

Pollie is independent, she's stronger than people think and she can't help but feel the strange pull between her and Death. Even knowing he can't be a good person (come on, he's called Death that doesn't exactly make you picture a happy go lucky kinda guy) she's determined to dig deeper to see the man she knows is hiding behind all the darkness. I really like Pollie. She's sympathetic, strong and kind hearted. She's the light to his dark, the calm to his storm. 

Full of intense, confusing emotions, twists and plenty of action, TL Smith has managed to keep me guessing how it was going to end yet again. I didn't think she could pull Deaths story off to my liking (I have this habit of writing the endings in my head and then complaining when they don't match) but she did a fantastic job with Death and Pollies story. 

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