Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Millions....... Pepper Winters

Well... for us Pim and Elders story is over but only the beginning for them. After the ending of Book 4, I could not wait to get my hands on this one... and it did not disappoint. I loved how much Pimlico has grown from the very first book where we saw the broken girl to the one she is now, she is such an amazing character... Elder I loved getting to know more about his past in this book and we learn things we did not know before. And an insight into it, finally putting it to rest... So much happens in this book, it is fast paced... and between the action and the passion, it will have you turning the pages to see how it will all end... I had a couple of tears and a few LOL moments, which I am not sure I was meant to. The writing is brilliant as expected; the story will leave you happy knowing what is going on for these two. However, I am sad to see it is over... What an ending to this brilliant series... this book was everything and more I wanted all my questions answered so happy with this book. This series I will say is in my top 10 for sure I am a little sad it is over I think Pim and Elder is one couple I could read about them forever and they have a place in my heart.

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