Monday, 23 October 2017

Release Blitz & Review...Move The Stars by Jessica Hawkins

 Move the Stars, the highly anticipated conclusion to the Something in the Way series by Jessica Hawkins.

LAKE: It was a hot summer day when I met him on the construction site next to my parents' house. If I’d known then what I do now, would I have kept on walking? Manning was older, darker, experienced—and I’d trusted him when he said the story would only ever be about us. I’d held those words close and challenged fate, but I had lost.

A part of me is still that sixteen-year-old girl squinting up at Manning, but no matter how far I fall or high I soar, I’ll always be a bird without her bear and nothing without him.

MANNING: When I close my eyes, I can no longer see her. The decisions I made were to push Lake in the right direction—away from me. But now that she’s gone, would I have made those same choices?

I’d walked away like I was supposed to. I’d kept my distance. I’d bent over backward to keep Lake pure, but she’s no longer that girl, and I don’t know if I can stay away anymore. I only know I don’t want to. She’s still everything I want and nothing I should ever have, but if anyone can move the stars, it’s her great bear in the sky.

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This is one of the hardest reviews I've had to write. I've been dying for this book. After been taken on such an epic, angsty journey with the previous two books I was more than desperate for the conclusion to Lakes story. 

I struggled quite a bit with this book. After the events that took place earlier in the series, I was already conflicted over my feelings about Manning and this book didn't make them any clearer. Theres events that happen that I had trouble accepting and too much has happened in the past that I'm not quite ready to forgive him for yet. My feelings about Manning have swung back and forth so many times reading this series. I started off absolutely loving him but somewhere along the way that love turned to hate. I didn't think there was anything Jessica Hawkins could do to change my mind but after reading this book I may not love Manning but I do understand him a little better. 

I loved Lake throughout this series and I loved her even more in this book. She's grown and matured since the last book. I was desperate for Lake to rise back up, mend her broken heart and build a life for herself without her family in this book but I mostly just wanted her to be happy. After losing so much at such a young age, I desperately wanted her to be truly happy. 

I found Move The Stars to be a lot less angsty than I was expecting it to be based on the previous books but it still had those emotions kicking in big time. The ending felt a bit rushed to me. I'd have liked an epilogue to give me the closure I wanted and to witness the aftermath but maybe it's for the best that it ended the way it did. 

So in a nutshell....
Did I enjoy the journey? Yes. 
Did I get the ending I wanted? Yes and no. 
Did i get all my answers? Not all of them. 
Was I still thinking about it a week after finishing it? 'Fraid so. With a story like Lakes, it's been hard to think about anything else. 
Would I recommend this series? Without a doubt, yes! 

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